Integrity in Making. Wholeheartedly

Training and education in the craft of silversmithing

Respect for materials, for craftsmanship, for honest endeavour, for excellence.

Bishopsland is an internationally recognised Postgraduate Centre of Excellence. The one year full-time residential course is designed to provide a bridge between a University degree and the ability to forge a career as a self-employed silversmith or jeweller. There is strong focus on core silversmithing and jewellery skills, honed via one-to-one tutorials and coaching, and Masterclasses given by Malcolm Appleby, Rod Kelly, Ndidi Ekubia, Bryony Knox and other distinguished master makers. Please go to Who’s Who for more on our tutors and Masterclass leaders.

Skills Training | Mentoring | Education | Incubation

We believe the transference of craft skills is vital to preserving our cultural heritage. With your support, we can continue to mentor and train craftspeople, create opportunities for them to connect and learn from one another, and establish a strong network of skilled craftspeople across the UK and beyond.

Bishopsland Cohort 2023/24

We are delighted to welcome our new cohort to Bishopsland

Wojtek Apanowicz

Within my craft I aspire to bridge the worlds of seen and unseen. Capturing a fleeting dream, a distant story in a solid form by giving it volume, shape and texture.

I find inspiration through the timeless beauty of ancient and traditional techniques delicately married with an innovative touch and approach. I love to weave a story through my pieces creating a portal to the past through the eyes of the future.

Puck de Kock

I have always loved flowing lines and strong transitions and as a maker I aspire to show them in my work. In my pieces I search for elegance and flow. That’s why in all my pieces you can find something from nature but most of my inspiration i get from water as water is strong, elegant and forever changing. Just as what I aspire my work to be.

Jamie Watson

Jamie Watson is a playful maker who combines movement and illusion with the traditional skills of the silversmith. He first discovered his love for the craft while studying an Applied arts degree at Wrexham Glyndwr university. He found a sense of peace and joy in the act of manipulating the metal with a hammer in one hand and a tool in the other. He chases lines that weave under and over each other symbolising the nonlinearity of the path we each take in life.

Beca Fflur

Beca is a Welsh maker who graduated from the University of Brighton with a degree in 3d Design & Craft and studied metalwork in South Korea. Her work takes inspiration from the connections between people and landscape, and focuses on her own connection to the landscape and materials of North Wales

She works primarily in precious metals, Welsh slate, and often experiments with other materials and composites. Her pieces are usually a combination of misshaped hollow precious metal forms and structured elements which emulate the rugged beauty of the of the North Wales landscape.

Chamine Ghuss

Chamine Ghuss

Chamine Ghuss uses the universal term of perspectives in the process of her jewellery and objects.

We live in a world flooded with opinions, where definitions are lost in translation. We will inevitably see different perspectives. Visual cues surround us, and the design of our environment can affect our choices. A choice can be forgotten- there are more than two sides to a story, therefore consider all angles. Within her work the philosophy of perspectives is a perception of respect, that we all have our own opinion. 

The visual language of perspectives is followed by the compositional elements. The core of her plan is extracted from investigating construction lines. Building a trustworthy set of lines lets you keep the blueprints- it gives you the option to use the same lines to invent a new sequence. Construction lines are a choice of how you want to start. They are instructions that awaken and guide the visual language of her objects and jewellery. Every line, shape and angle will create a new conversation of arrangements.

Caitlin Murphy

Caitlin Murphy is an award winning Northern Irish maker. Caitlin graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in 2022 with first Class Honours and was awarded the Richard H Arrol Memorial Prize. She became a Fellow of Bishopsland Educational Trust in 2023 following on from her year long postgraduate course. Caitlin received a graduate bursary stand at both Goldsmiths Fair 2023 in London and Elements Fair 2023 in Edinburgh where she is showcasing new and exciting work.

Caitlin received a Future Makers Graduate Exhibition Support from the Design and Crafts Council Ireland to support her in these two exhibitions. Alongside of this, being supported for the last two years by the South Square Trust has allowed her to focus on silversmithing objects. Caitlin has also received a bronze and silver award in the ‘3D Finished Pieces’ category at the Goldsmiths Craft and Design Council Awards for her ‘Illusion Cube.’ She prides herself on attention to detail, from initial design to finished piece.

Sarah Wilmott

Sarah Wilmott’s contemporary designs utilise traditional techniques, precious metals and industrial materials to create modern, thoughtful pieces. Sarah’s practice is rooted in a minimalist approach to design, in which form and function are inherently linked. She is interested in creating objects with multiple functions that can be worn and used.

Whilst her practice is rooted in the traditions of silversmithing, she uses computer-aided design and 3D printing to create bespoke tools and formers to aid her in her making. Sarah is a multi-award winner, receiving accolades from the Goldsmiths’ Craft and Design Council, New Designers, The Guild of Enamellers and the Incorporation of Hammerman. Her work has been exhibited internationally and toured across the UK.

Shop our Makers

All pieces are made by hand by our current students or by past fellows. Commission from the sales will go towards training future silversmiths.