Andrew Lamb

Charlotte Vanhoubroeck

Bishopsland Fellow 2018-2019

Charlotte Vanhoubroeck, an art historian who turned to jewellery design, finds history intriguing and admires its silent richness.

Her ambition is to give gradually fading heritage a new place in the contemporary art scene. A tight-lipped portrait or a melancholic memory sparks her inspiration and motivates her to create fragile, but unconventional, jewellery pieces.

In 2017, Charlotte was awarded a Gustave Boël – Sofina Grant 2017 for handicrafts, which enabled her to invest in further education. In the same year, she received a nomination for the Wim Ibens Prize, and in 2018, her graduation project won the Hulstaert Legacy Prize.

Instagram: @charlotte.vhb.jewellery 

Website: Charlotte Vanhoubroeck